something that nothing rhymes with. "Door hinge" does not rhyme with orange! notice the difference between -ange and -inge. A round delicious fruit. the best in the world.

oranges rock!!!! i love oranges. -inge and -ange are different, idiot!!!
by jamieson December 31, 2005
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Person from Illinois:
"Those goddamn orangers are crazy man, they'll do some bathsalts and try to eat your face"
by Cswick1113 January 11, 2019
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Fine girl(s) that if you're honest with yourself is far to young for you to be looking at like that. From the Orange Phone Co. (uk) slogan "the future's bright, the future's Orange"
Hey man, check out those wet girls over there-->
Yeah, but far to orange for us dude
by Jake July 22, 2003
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A deviation of the word owned, similar to pwned, except a word-o, rather than a type-o. Used to further degrade the victim, whether it be a wreck, or more commonly, kicking their ass in a game.
"Dude, you got Oranged."

"Got Orange?"
by Shinkada June 10, 2005
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The feeling you get and action you make when you bite into an orange peel.
I tried to peel that orange by biting into it, I totally got an orangism though, my body started shaking and I made a funny face!
by Quotationation November 28, 2010
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defined ambiguously as "any good thing," it is a word made for random overuse.
You're an orange.
by Vertigo December 4, 2002
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1. Our lord and savior; the holiest one; the overlord.
2. The opposite of mandarinn the devil.
3. God.
Hey dude, what is your religion?
Orang is my religion. All hail Orang. All hail Orang. All hail Orang.
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