Sexy dark skin mofo, made of pure perfection big dick vibes and great at games such as Fortnite, NBA, COD, and Apex Legends. Bags hella bitches on the regular and loves porn and weed.
Guy 1: You ever just want Noble?
Guy 2:Shit man all the time
by YUNGOLDDAGGERDICK December 2, 2020
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Noble can be a name as well. He is usually strange sort of dorky and he keeps to himself. Once you get to know him he is hilarious and you will fall for him right away. He might not be that hansom on the outside but he is a great friend who you can be yourself around. He really dose not care what other people think about him. He will show his true colors and if anyone has anything to say about it he will laugh and make a joke. He is if you get a Noble don't let him go.
Girl-smiles at phone
Bff-what are you smileing at?
Girl-ish nothing I'm just texting Noble!
by Pleaselikeminearelegit February 12, 2019
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Can be a boy’s name. He might seem gay at first but he isn’t always he is odd yet unique. If you find a noble never let him go because he is a great guy . He might not be the hottest but OMG he is great!!! He likes a new girl every so often. If he likes you he will show it. He might even tell you he loves you😉😉
Omg is that noble, he is so hot
Add him on Snapchat @soggy_poetahtoe he is hot hit him up
by Pleaselikeminearelegit April 23, 2019
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Somone how is amaving,sexy,intelagent the nobles are the reall meaning is "noble".some people say there a different kind a different speashes becose there the chosen ones.
by _your_mum_ February 6, 2019
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1. A chivalrous person

Secondary Definition:
2. Dickwad. Asshat. Mega Faggot. Bum. Whore nigger faggot. Same. Plays too much league. Too smart. Friends with fuckboy Jenkins: Sawyer Bovingdon. Aliases: Winston Ha, Tai Rubmychode, Marko Suckmydick, Davis Jaden, Assbert Jew... Jerry is nice.
1st Definition:
1. He was a very noble man to do that.

2. The noble knight of Hyrule castle.

2nd Definition:

1. Shut up noble. Stop being so smart damn it. -Syamil

2. Shut the fuck up noble. No one even likes you. -Gwen

3. You're bad. -Albert
by Blood Aether January 19, 2017
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Noble is the youtuber known as lost pause. He stares at anime tits and shits on memes for a living. His real name is Maibigbutt Rugmunch and he is the head preist of the Boob god's church. He also wrote the thrilling adventure "Shots Fiyerd".
Dawg:"Hey wanna crack a cold one with the boys later?"
UJIMK:"no, I gotta smoke crack, do some Noble and pray to the boob god."
Dawg:*deletes contact info*
by DablordHentaimaster69 June 29, 2017
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Means a useless manager at bike store(mini motors)
Can I see your noble? The bike I bought is fucked up.
by Jazzlovesnoble March 23, 2022
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