An ugly rat. Nobody loves him. Smells bad, bullied by gamer girls. ;-;
“Shut up HAYDEN. You are a rat. A nasty rat.”
by Iambulliedalot June 8, 2020
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Hayden is an amazing person and loves for her friends. She is like the best person you will ever meet. She may seem shy at first but once you get to know her she is such an amazing,funny,outgoing,caring person and she doesn't have time for fake bitches she is a true QUEEN and she is an amazing wife.
Bitch: I'm so sorry hayden :(
Hayden: Get the fuck away
by QueenG is the baddest April 27, 2019
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Hayden he is a wonderful person . He is smart but likes to hide it. If a girl likes him they should be happy they have him in his life. Watch out he is a flirt
by westernboy1_dog May 2, 2019
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Hayden is a enormously sexy man and all women can't resist his eternal charm. He has the biggest cock in the world and can pleasure 5 women at a time.
Dang that Hayden is hot
by BigDickHayden November 6, 2018
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(Hayden)is a male who is great with the girls, A (Hayden) will make you fall in love with you but is not good AT ALL with keeping secrets. A (Hayden) will play dirty jokes on you too, but he is good in the bed and has a huge Penis.
" Girl 1: (Hayden) and I had (sex) last night."
"Girl 2: Oh my gosh! Was it good??"
"Girl 1: YES!! He gave me an (orgasim )it was indescribable!!!"

Guy 1: "I thought I could trust (Hayden!")

Guy 2: Really?? What did he do?"

Guy 1: "He told everyone who I liked!!"
by ILOVEGREENWOOD6969 June 20, 2017
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Hayden is a special little snowflake who needs to be tamed. He loves to annoy his friends by singing Disney songs, saying horrible puns, stealing your hat or teasing you about your love life. Hayden also has a soft side which he should express more. Overall, Hayden is a nice person once you get to know him and you put his evilness behind.
"Dude watch out, Hayden is coming!"
*everyone runs away*
Hayden: "let it go, LET IT GO!"
by •Unicorn_Melanie21• September 23, 2017
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A hayden is a depressed retard who likes meme's and hates social interaction.
Person 1:Why won't that person talk?

Person 2:Their name is Hayden.

Person 1:oh that makes since.
by Hayden1715 September 28, 2018
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