Georgia’s are very fat and are usually mentally unstable and require lots of assistance. Georgia’s usually get neglected by their gay fag parents at a young age. Georgia’s typically play sports like Hockey or Tennis and tend to drink pidgin mucus smoothies smoothies
Oh, god who tf is that...” “ It’s that disabled shit named Georgia.”
by Irive June 23, 2019
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to be taken advantage sexually without receiving money.

If a man becomes Georgiaed, it is highly unlikely he will be able to turn the potential whore out, and he should move on.

Source Iceberg Slim, Pimp: The Story of My Life
"On the way she played on me. She was setting me up for the Georgia." pg 60

"Stay cold and brutal. Don't let them Georgia you. They'll laugh at you. They'll cut you loose like a trick after they've flim-flammed you. Your scratch cop is the only way to put a hook in their stinkin asses." pg 60

"Her name was Maude and she Georgiaed me in 1921." first sentence.
by bobo32 April 28, 2010
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The sexual act when on female(doesnt always have to be a female though) takes one popsicle(or other sweet treat on a stick) and crams it up their sexual reproductive organ.
Now heres the kicker
She then feeds it to her sexual partner
"Dude me and my girlfriend tryed the Big 'G'(Georgia) last night. Dude BEST POPSICLE EVER!!!!!!!!"

"Did you hear? Ryan and his girlfriend broke up after they tryed The Georgia, I heard she got a yeast infection."
by Popsicle Boy September 1, 2007
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an awesome girl pretty smart nice shes just blows my away shes everything and that simile like holy shit she is by far the best girl anyone can
person 1: 1 sec I have to get my breath back

ME: on no Georgia walked in
by air jordan August 10, 2014
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In the Canadian dictionary, the word Georgia is a noun for someone who was rejected from all the other 49 states and Guam and made to live in Georgia.
by mazylover November 10, 2008
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Georgia is the kind of girl who is so annoying and messed up that even thinking about her drives you nuts but at the same time she's her own kind of amazing. She is funny and smart enough to pass but to lazy to try, she is always laughing and the loudest in the room, she literally never shuts up! Ever! She is competitive and doesn't feel bad about shoving it in your face when she wins. In conclusion there is no one word to discribe her but if you find a girl like Georgia never let her go.
"Man I wish I had a friend like Georgia with me right now''
by FriendOfAGeorgia November 30, 2016
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the act of a indie kid (scriv) cumming in a girls face, then she drops her guitar and gets a taxi home
last night i arrived in a taxi, he totally georgia'd me and i ran the fuck off.
by robbie smith January 16, 2008
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