Hey you still bringing those eddies friday?
by bloodane April 18, 2018
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A tonal inflection suffered by male singers influenced by the vocal style of Pearl Jams' Eddie Vedder.

The effect is a mildly scowling, muffled, "out the side of the mouth" sounding vocal with long dramatic notes favored. Sufferers seem to be seeking a overtly masculine sound.

Famous effected artists: Scott Weiland, John Butler, Xavier Rudd, Chris Cornell, Scott Stapp.
Yeah, the song writing is pretty good, but the lead singer has a severe case of The Eddies.
by glenbruce November 20, 2009
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That eddy I took last night had me OUT cold
I need a plug who has eddys
by September 15, 2020
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when somone just does something inexplicably that makes others around him thoroughly confused which in turn makes them ask out loud with their hands up: "what the eddie?!"
eddie: "yeah i think im going to leave the country tomorrow and cut this vacation a month short."

joe: "what?! we just got here! why?!"

eddie: "idk why not"

joe: "yoo what the eddie???"
by batmanlight May 14, 2011
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