To be trash or bad. Could be used in reference to a person, situation etc.
Last night's party was bosh.

Her outfit is bosh.
by Wgoeredk April 30, 2021
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by boshdeish5 December 9, 2021
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A way to express frustration, in place of slow drawn “ Bull Shit”. “ that’s som ole 20th street bosh”.
by Clance Fury March 29, 2023
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A word Ollie Owen says before he forgets he has a missus
I’d smack that pussy up Boshhhhhhh. ‘Don’t put that on Facebook!’
by BoshBoy3000 April 16, 2022
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The one person who has a kind heart but sadly doesn't know enough words to express it. He can get all the women and even men. He does not care about what you are but only who you are.
Yo, it's me BOSH!!
by Jesta Ratau October 11, 2022
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Texas word meaning gravity bong. Usually made out of water bottles and a socket
by Kaikat July 22, 2020
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The act of yelling while pushing/forcefully hitting someone enough to knock them to the ground with just one push/hit.
Child 1: Hey, Timmy, ready for a bosh? *pushes Timmy*
by Scribbs The One November 10, 2020
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