A hood homie is a friend or bro that lives in your neighborhood if you have more than one hood homie then you got hood homies
by Bigdaddybyson95@gmail.com January 2, 2020
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A fake name who in real life is a jerk and has no friends and no life and a hairline from a fast food chain
you are a Adam man in the hood
by TNT BOOMBER 7877 December 29, 2018
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When a nigga is so hood that it goes beyond just being hood. It becomes an actual condition.
"Look at this fool. He came to my daughter's graduation with a comb in his hair half unbraided, and a grape ice pop in his mouth."

"Why did you invite him? You know he has Chronic Hood Syndrome right?."
by rudebitch99 November 16, 2018
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Term of endearment describing someone who came from the hood
That’s my lil hood booger they came up on their own.
by swank.e August 9, 2022
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