To acquire currency, whether it be through legal means or not, in order to essentially "ball out of control."
I live to git dat paper.
by CockLord6969 February 23, 2016
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to smack one's behind with a soft cover college textbook while they are on all fours
Billy: "Sarah's so kinky man, she's into paper backing"
Josh: "Which textbook did you use?"
Billy: "The calculus one, man"
Josh: "Hot"
by asdfmaker April 26, 2018
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ill have the carne asada burrito in flour bread paper please
by amg6 January 22, 2020
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Filling up the toilet bowl with lots of scrunched up toilet roll as the particuarly troublesome shit you've just had continues to leave smears on every bit you wipe with, therefore making the pan resemble a not so pleasant waste paper basket.
There's no paper in that one mate, I've just had a right sticky one and turned the pan into a monster brown paper basket
by Drexl69 February 14, 2010
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When something is really lit, so lit that it's level of litness is greater than that of litmus paper, a chemical used to measure pH.
Yoooooo, worship at church the other arvy was more lit than litmus paper!
by wt32845 December 18, 2017
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When one wipes their ass and their finger goes through the paper, touching the poop and butthole.
Oh no I was accidentally pushing through the paper and now I have doodle-fingers!!
by cupramen November 10, 2017
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