A token BIPoc person you are friends with so you don't appear racist.

See also: queer beard
"We need more diversity in our friend group. Shall we invite Steve?"
"Steve? Oh, you mean the black Steve!"
" Dudes, Steve knows you're using him as a race beard, eh."
by secretuser420 May 8, 2022
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The emotion experienced at the tipping point between not shaving and growing a beard. This angst is most commonly bought on by the dread of knowing that the time spent maintaining said beard will eventually exceed the time commonly spent shaving. Beard-angst is often exacerbated by 'Beard Envy'.
"Man I can feel the Beard-angst coming on"!
"Mate, stop being a Beardo".
by jamaicascreem May 15, 2012
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Summary definintive noun that might be used to describe any person that is newly accquainted but at occasional odds when faced with the various complexities of personal computing, the internet and e-mail. Theoretically the sequence can be amended to suit any individual but should only be restricted to single syllable names for maximum impact. See also ned-dot-kelly..
Has that old fucker mark-dot-beard logged on to his e-mails yet?

I have sent him a verbal twatting that is sure to impress...and his new screensaver will surely cause more irritation than rampant pubic lice.
by The Poison Dwarf August 4, 2010
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Sold by a Sexy Trumpet Boi from Portsmouth west Schools.
I Bought some brass chops beard oil to help my beard
by Pillsbarrythiccman45 April 30, 2018
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Tyler: “Yo Dan I just finished my new anime season.” Dan: “Yo Tyler quit being suck a fucking beard on dude!”
by Xesman69 June 3, 2020
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The state of arousal from the discussion, growth, touching or appearance of a beard or beards.
Did you check out Steve's facial hair lately? Handsome as fuck.

Yeah man, I got a total beard-on.
by despicable-al March 24, 2021
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When you eat pussy with a beard and the pussy juice gets all in your beard. It smells so good the next day you smell your beard to jerk off.
Patrick was bearding off this morning
by Resin factory September 25, 2020
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