That kind of dance where you aren't really ~dancing~ you're more of just jumping in place. This is commonly done in clubs as well as other kinds of parties.
person a: dude look that chick is dancing like crazy!
person b: nah, she's just jump dancing
person a: oh that makes more sense
by MangoHtebazile October 7, 2021
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Term given to spatial gaps within a continuous stream.
"Wow somehow I hit the stream with those ridiculous stream jumps"
by wiwit October 24, 2019
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When several people are listening to someone tell a joke and one idiot decides he needs to laugh out loud before the punchline. We all have at least one friend we know that is notorious for jumping the joke.
Dude: ''Look at Tom with that huge dumbass smile on his face.
Guy: ''You know exactly what he's up to. He's jumping the joke in T minus 10.
by Uggsly June 21, 2011
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when you jump on a girl's ass so hard so scream like a pig
darling can you do the jumping pig on me?
by theuknowguy August 28, 2017
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An adventurous sexual position, similar to a Freefall, in which your girl hangs on to the edge of your dresser, face-down, suspended, while you support her hips from behind. Once you're about to cum, walk backward from the dresser until she cannot hang on any more, but to differentiate it from a Freefall, be sure to grab her hair before her head hits the ground.
My girlfriend got some awful whiplash last night as we were making love. I bungee jumped her off my dresser and I think she pulled a muscle.
by Toolkit79 April 24, 2020
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The action of holding one down and allowing the accumulation of spitale to hang in opponents face before retracting at the last moment.
by Aaron Kwicke August 25, 2017
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