A popular song of low musical value marked by the use of repetitive loops of recycled or unimaginative melodies, simple chord progressions, and inane or puerile lyrics (at best).
Dude! That song is such an ear nugget! It is stuck in my head and I only heard it once!
by reiganjin May 17, 2017
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I didn't know where Annie was but I did some ear scouting and found out.
by rodderx November 17, 2014
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The effect of sweat accumulating on your headset after playing for too long, as well as a temporary hearing loss due to setting the volume too high.
I played so much last night, I think I might end up with gamer ear.
by HiPeople MC October 5, 2020
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An uncomfortably high decibel noise (most of the time a persons voice) on popular voice chat programs such as Teamspeak or Ventrilo. This is often the result of a poor microphone or the inbound/gain volume being too high.
Nate: DUDE! OMG! Ric, turn down your frikkin mic man! You just ear crit the whole room!

Ryan: We were in Ice Crown last night on Warcraft, and Danny joined the raid channel to ask how we were doing. His mic was so high, he ear crit the entire channel and caused us to wipe on our fight!
by N8bit July 21, 2010
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Caden, Vic, Patrick, Branson, and Ming.

To be a fucking idiot, love you guys tho
"Did you see that shit Caden did? He's such an ear biter"
by LuftwaffeBlitz May 19, 2018
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