Also used to describe a cutting remark, generally received with no provocation what-so-ever.
Friend One, "You know, Jermaine Defoe is quite a good player."
Bunny, "Yeah, better than the sh*t you've got at Oldham."
Friend One, "Wooooo. Bunny got teeth!"
by The Strut September 29, 2004
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not really a dictionary, more of a way to advertise marriam websters
BUY your own marriam webster $2.99 a pound!!
by hex_ten November 24, 2003
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the result of a dickweed entering a post without verifying that the entry is spelled properly.
the person who entered this posted is a stupid idiot jag off.
by your friend November 5, 2003
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Someone that women want and men want to be... and want.
As evidenced in the web cartoon "The Fear Hole".
I am Hideous Assistant Webster!
I am universally adored. Women want me, and men want to be me... and want me.
by Mr. Autumn April 13, 2009
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A person who wanted to submit a definition to Webster’s online dictionary, but was rejected because their neologism didn’t meet their criterion, then they post it on Urban Dictionary to make up for their broken self-esteem.
Guy 1: I tried to put the word Berserkowitz on Webster’s dictionary but they denied it.

Guy 2: I found it on Urban Dictionary.

Guy 1: Yeah I put it there. I felt so bad that they didn’t accept it.

Guy 2: You’re a Webster’s Dictionary Reject.
by Silver_Eagle May 1, 2010
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A high school location in upstate New York, Rochester. Were sports are everything and if you are on the football team you do not have to go to school but will still pass. To many gothics and druggies and have about 2 fights everyday that the teachers do not know about but we have cameras that are never on. Kids talk about the same thing everyday and rumors travel fast. but still the best high school in upstate.
by _*_ March 31, 2005
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