Mall of america in Bloomington,Minnesota is the biggest US mall, and the best it has nightclubs,underground fishtank, and everything.
by Spooks95 March 30, 2005
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Fake cops
Their police gear includes a flash light and roll of quarters to call the real cops when things get intense
I got stopped by a mall cop because me and my friend had a plastic gun we bought a the dollar store (in the mall). We almost got kicked out of the mall for "possession of a replica of a firearm."
by Me March 25, 2004
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An Asian mall in Markham known to all asians (even the ones who don't live in the area). Here, you can find DVDs for sale, various bubble tea stores, clothing stores, and more. It is a hangout place for fobs and mallrats, who you can find mostly in the arcade on the second floor. There are also a variety of photobooths in which you can choose the background and borders of your photos. This mall is also known as "p-mall". If you are non-Asian, get ready to get ripped off by store owners when you enter.
Ex1. Those DDR players at Pacific mall are hardcore.

Ex2. If you ask any Asian, they'll know about Pacific mall.
by OldCatLady May 28, 2009
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One of the most digusting types of people that exist on this world. Their hair looks like it began dreading, and is dyed in various mix-matching colors.

They were eyeliner that is thincker than a racoon's black fur around their eyes. ERRRM, thats not attractive, sorry to break it to you.

Usually found around Hot Topic, they try things on, and wait for it to open every morning so they can talk about how harcore they are, and make fun of stores such as Abercrombie and Hollister California.

They associate themselves as being major fans of bands such as:
-or Insane Clown Posse (ICP)

Technically, they are a bunch of posers who come to their realization when they hit the age of 16. They look back to see how stupid they looked trying to actually look "HardCore"
Mall Goth Sarah: -Laughing- Abercrombie is go gay!!

Mall Goth Tim: I know! Lets hurry and ger to Hot Topic before it closes!

Current time, 2:00pm.
Hot Topic closes at 9:00pm

You do that Mall Goth Tim and Sarah..

by OldSalamander March 9, 2007
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Mall Goths - Wannabes - The kids with bad excessive make-up equipped with Manson or Cradle of Filth shirts. They hate their parents for buying them everything and they shop at hot topic. Usually seen lerking around the local Shopping malls.
by Marek- September 30, 2005
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A group of people walking slowly parallel to eachother(shoulder to shoulder), in a narrow isled shopping plaza, which creates a physical baracade allowing no one to pass on either side.
Bill only had a 15 minute break at work so so he rushed to the food court to grab some pizza, only to be stopped by a mall wall consisting of two old women, two strollers, and a few dick head prep school kids.
by Adam A September 16, 2003
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A pathetic excuse for real gothic. They claim they are totally goth and try to dress as such, when they know nothing about the subculture.
Joe is a Mall Goth. He hangs out at the mall and claims he listens to the most "gothic" bands out there, when all he really listens to is nu metal and other mainstream music.
by random person 23 August 3, 2008
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