Ugly people who wanna be different and they think they are Alpha males (false)
Tate stans are the reason why I'm on antidepressants
by I ate ur mom August 18, 2022
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A decimal unit of measurement which grades homosexuality from 0-1 based on Internet celebrity Andrew Tate, the gayest man who's ever lived.

The Tate scale is logarithmic, and the level of gayness increases exponentially as the number approaches 1 on the Tate scale.

A zero is the straightest man who's ever lived. A Zero on the Tate scale has sported a full, luxurious beard since puberty. Every time he had sex with a woman he impregnated her. He's never cried, built his own house, and fixes all his own tools.

A zero is only theoretically possible.

Most men hover between 0.2 and 0.3 on on the Tate scale.

Talking with a lisp, flirting with other men, and rollerblading all approach "The Thin Gay Line" of 0.49

Any physical sexual contact with other men is, definitionally, a 0.5 or greater on the Tate scale.

Most gay men measure between a 0.6 to 0.8 on the Tate scale depending on promiscuity and flamboyancy.

It is only theoretically possible to be as gay as Andrew Tate, the gayest man who's ever lived.
"I heard Joe's gay. I always figured he was a least a 0.45 on the Tate Scale, so it wouldn't surprise me to find he's crossed the thin gay line at least a few times in his life."
by slappy hooper October 15, 2022
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When you give a girl that good dick..... and she be wanting more. Instead you superman that hoe and call her an uber with her own credit card, Making sure you take a picture of that card so you can spend some more when she's gone.
Man that girl I seen last night she wanted more, I said fuck you talking about Tate Special that bitch.....
by Jaytimez June 20, 2023
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ghost in ahs from murder house, hot, violet harmons bf, played by evan peters
me: ugh tate langdon is my fav character

person: ikr he fine asf
by jpmstanyesss December 3, 2021
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Most iconic American horror story. The oh villain 😩 smd if you say otherwise.
Who shot up a school?
Tate Langdon😹
by Winter lowe May 17, 2021
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Sharing the beliefs of Andrew Tate, (being based).
"You see, my friend Brandon here is not very Tate Pilled, however, I am."
by Scriggster March 14, 2023
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Andrew Tate refers to when two men have vigorous unprotected sexual intercourse within a sports car, whilst moaning about how much women suck.
by Balls Obama September 4, 2023
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