A phrased used to insult a young boy that hasn't reached puberty yet.
Boy - i can do whatever i like you can't stop me!
Older person- You wanna bet you munchkin wank.
by jackametii1234 February 22, 2010
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niggers, black niggas of dookie sludge fun
That nigger over there is really slurping hay sludge(shit) or Ass Muncher/Munchkins.
by Sludge Muncher March 12, 2021
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An unforgettably adorable ball of fun - most commonly used to describe the girl of one's dream.
by slashjammy October 2, 2015
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An urban myth or legend that doesn't hold up to any scrutiny
That rumor we heard about Shakespeare being more than one author is just a hanging munchkin
by Mixtape February 9, 2018
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1. An urban legend or myth that, despite being proven false on numerous occasions, still continues to be passed off as fact.

2. An event or situation that causes annoyance through repetitive occurances.
1. Even though snopes debunked the frozen Walt Disney myth years ago, that urban legend keeps popping up like a hanging munchkin.

2. Oh man, Brad's continuously forgetting to wash the dishes is my hanging munchkin.
by IamaBobJonesGraduate November 29, 2010
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