An amazing game where you slice robots and be a madman but is annoying as shit and you will put holes in your drywall
Friend 1: Do you want to play Clone Drone in The Danger Zone?
Friend 2: What the fuck is that?
Friend: A game that is $20.00 and makes you want to flip your kneecaps inside out because you have been doing the inferno challenge for 3 hours just to die and restart
by SunnyD is good August 8, 2021
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So you can go fuck youself.
In an e-mail I had spoke to a contributor where I made a track to a troll "Go Clone Yourself.... so you can go fuck yourself" she started howling at that remark. I seen an author do a photo where he did a photo like this as I was trying not to make the joke then someone did a photo of Kayne West as I was going "Damn it -- that was my joke." Oh well they took the crack and ran with it.
by illinoishorrorman January 18, 2018
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Indigo is a miiverse clone started by PF2M.
It had a gay ass admin team before December 4th and PF2M refuses to want to be associated with Indigo.
Indigo the miiverse clone, more like INDIGAY
by ioletsgo December 5, 2018
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JFK from clone high is a clone high character that is obsessive over women, and usually refers to then as “broads”. He is most known for his Boston accent.
JFK from clone high is such a cool person!”

“I like your funny words, magic man!”
by RandomGuy1245 March 7, 2021
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An ugly CGI mess that does not fit within the continuity of the movies or the original EU now called Legends.
Star Wars The Clone Wars does not fit in legends.
by bgfbhfhfgghnfhfhffh June 29, 2023
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When you have to take a massive dump thats approximately one half of your initial body mass
After that TacoBell marathon, you couldn't crap for days, and then on Thursday, you had to go clone yourself!
by HannahKraus February 25, 2009
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