A person who doesn't eat any form of animal product and most of the time thinks of themselves as a special little snowflake who is saving the worlds, innocent creatures and tries to make you feel like a sack of shit for eating meat.
Micheal won't stop until everyone knows he is a vegan.
by CaptainDoubleChin October 10, 2017
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Someone who doesn't eat and/or use anything from the animal kingdom (except humans). Some vegans are dietary only, just for health reasons only. Some are ethical, which are people that not only eat vegan, but do vegan, wear vegan and live vegan.

Some vegans are endorsers of animal rights groups, like PETA, in which I fucking hate. But some aren't endorsers of any animal rights group, which is perfectly fine.
Vegans, if we are herbivores, try eating grass. 99.694201337% of the time when you eat it, you'll vomit. And also, try eating tree leaves RAW. Herbivores have a PLEASURE to eat raw grass/raw tree leaves. We only eat certain types of leaves like lettuce, kale and spinach.
by Pawn of Sex April 18, 2016
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Somebody who stopped aging when they were 6.
Vegan: meat is murderer!

Guy: you stupid vegan, start aging you fucking 6 year old.
by Who the fuck cares about this September 29, 2020
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Vegan is a person who is a virgin. "The no meat diet"
"Yo Kat! You are my vegan buddy"
by jayjays_xo January 28, 2020
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a person who doesn't eat or wear anything that is made out of animals
the apple never had a chance because my vegan friend killed him
by avegansfriend November 19, 2015
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Someone who doesn't eat bread
Customer: I want a vegan cheeseburger

Employee: Ok
by True_Vegan April 26, 2018
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A person that don’t want to bother animals.

But all of them are fake ’cause they will start a beef with with you.
Person 1: I’m vegan

Person 2: RUN
by SKoetr uwu November 9, 2018
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