Evil minion to Satan that is said to thank god for dead soldiers in belief that they die for gay marriage. This She devil is often seen picketing funerals of dead gays or soldiers who died in Afghanistan or Iraq in the past and present. Shirley also believes that the Virginia Tech massacre, actual quote, is 'awesome.' She was actually sued once for picketing a soldiers funeral but was found innocent due to the 1st amendment. During protests, onlookers and counter protesters would throw garbage at her and her fellow protesters which actually hit a kid once. Not only is this women, or thing, spreading hatred, she's also putting children at risk for harm. The protests even caused Bush to pass a law banning funeral pickets within 300ft. Also, she is considered one of the many people banned from entering the United Kingdom.
When Shirley Phelps Roper dies, it'll be most likely her funeral will be picketed by hundreds of people and her grave will probably be used to take a shit.
by Nap0130n Dynam1t3 August 1, 2012
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A phrase that is used inplace of asking permission to perform a handjob on a person.
by Face Stabber March 9, 2005
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Shit school in Shirley with the best weed brownies I’ve ever tasted and some nonce teachers. Located between the Smurfs and Oasis roadman school.
“What’s that place with those really good brownies?”

“You mean Shirley High School? Make sure to ask for Mr Templeman though or you might get bum-fucked by Mr Tormey
by DJ Keith June 24, 2019
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The Honorable Doctor Shirley Ann Jackson is the head of a prestigious research institute and is the recipient of a smack tonne of awards. Totalitarian in nature, The Honorable Doctor Shirley Ann Jackson is not to be trifled with, as she commands a small private army. It is best not to speak against her in terms of policy. That is an easy way to get expelled. While maintaining the minimum of student interaction, she successfully invaded the prestigious research institute's Student-run Union, and it is no longer student-run. The Honorable Doctor Shirley Ann Jackson has an annual salary of approximately $5 million, as of 2016. Under President Obama, she sat as Chair of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board, and served on the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.

Unfortunately, none of this is hyperbole or untrue. This fact just makes this sadder in nature.
I had money and freedom. The Honorable Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson took both.
by Tute Screw December 27, 2018
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Any type of cocktail or non-alcoholic beverage containing Rohypnol (roofies) or a cheaper substitute. It is used for the sole purpose of sexual assault, often on men.
Roger wasn't getting lucky last night so he gave some guy a dirty shirley temple and took advantage of him in the restroom.
by mixologist1 August 20, 2016
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an idea that children get that if they arent perfect they arent worth it. they constantly compare themselves to famous children, i.e. shirley temple, and have a feeling of inadequacy when they dont measure up.
most likely if you can look around and find a young child with self esteem issues, they are suffering from a shirley temple complex.
by thispseudonymsucks January 23, 2014
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Shirley is a wonderful woman but may not realize it she is very kind and does a lot for people.
if you get a Shirley be sure to treat her right and don't lose her.
by nsuwduilo92123457890-[poifdxc November 24, 2018
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