Agreeing to room with people and transferring last minute.
Hey guys I’m actually transferring.

Bruh that’s shallow.
by User101872729 June 2, 2021
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Radio: *plays shallow by lady gaga*
by godsavetheoromqueen May 4, 2019
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the female version of a small dick which also could mean that the said female is a shallow person
i was day dreaming in my car while at a stop sign for 4 seconds and an suv passes by me coming from the other side of the road which snaps me out of my day dreaming and i see two 18 year old looking young women in the suv i look for 1 second with a neutral facial expression before i shift my focus back on the road in front because of the line of cars behind me and those 2 cunts thought i was staring in their direction because i was interested in them so when i turned my head they made fun of me and assumed i was scared of them or some shit but in reality i was just day dreaming i was like shallow bitches have shallow holes.
by superiorbreed July 8, 2018
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A woman who takes a man from another woman just to say she did. Such a woman will brag about being with the attractive yet week man.
My family was torn apart by a shallow trout after 13yrs!
by The Mister's sister September 1, 2019
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When you are chasing low-level happines and deny any form of wisdom. Your life is controlled by your endless ego and unwanted emotions. You can't spend a single second in solitude, your mind always need some shitty stimulation. Even a dog has bigger level of emphaty.
Most of the humans never able to use their full potential. They live uncociouss shallow life.
by XYeperion June 8, 2017
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(verb) to do something lazy or half ass or to not peform 100%... in any situation or on any occasion.
The other night I was hammered, and I took this female home, and, I was so hammered that I had to give her the shallow dig.
by Tha Blakness May 21, 2011
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When and unconscious or deceased person can only be partially penetrated, due to either internal blockage or build up.
I accidentally swapped my rohypnol for Imodium so I improvised. I kept feeding them to her until she passed out from constipation and gave her the Dirty Shallow Grave
by LowblowHobo September 17, 2021
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