Sean is an annoying asshole who never listens and never reads the room
by Poopeee June 25, 2020
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Holy Lord, Sean's the holiest!!!!!!!!!!
by wertyu Bb February 29, 2016
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Sean is a tall guy who is friends with Kevin. He likes jumping high in the air and uses the bars outside as a gym. When he does that the teacher tells him that it's not a gym. Sean has lots of friends. He gets all the girls.
Person 1: My boyfriend is amazing.
Person 2 : He must be a Sean
by XxxGALxxX March 16, 2018
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An ultimate meme, many photoshops are made of him. Very blunt, sassy, and kind of a prick. Likes memes and a good joke, but doesn't have good comebacks.
I made another meme of Sean today.
by cabbagekt June 23, 2017
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a person in a wheelchair, who is cool and smooth with the ladies, and who is fun to be around
That Sean is so funny.
by smoothCrip March 5, 2009
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A fat slob who can often be caught staring at girls butts who are way to popular to even look at him.
Has wet dreams about fucking girls, altough he's never spoken to one
Overly obsessive about stupid things
Never shuts up
Acts like he knows about girls but hasnt been within 10 feet of one
"That weirdo has had his hand in his pants for the last 2 classes"
"He must be a sean"
by Zibbity boppity February 20, 2017
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fucking sexy person with a big dick and hands to rip ur throat into shreds and make ur vagina bleed while ducking u with his massive dick
You need a Sean in your life he’s a massive sex god, he killed my vagina last night
by Sarah is awesome222 June 26, 2019
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