the scary old lady in the library that yells at you for moving a computer screen a lil bit. she probably has a penis.
Oh no i dont think so young man! You are going to move this computer back around, and you're out of here. You are making the library inneficient, and you cant talk because work is to be done individually! Wanna give me a blowjob?

That woman's a library bitch!
by the librarian hater February 12, 2007
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A person who is pedantic in library rules.
Your mom is a library nazi!
by Hammond March 27, 2005
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1. A library with a rather large sex book gallery.

2. The library where everyone goes to fuck each other.

3. A library that stinks of dried cum.
Ew, why would you want to go to that library? It is a 69420 library.

You are to young to go the that library, don't you see the sign that says '69420 library'?
by IKnowItAllSucka August 5, 2019
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An anime series full of prudish celibate lesbian librarians where nothing ever fucking happens.
Arco likes Kokoro Library a lot - he's also a total fag.
by Rick Feynman July 19, 2003
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Where butt touching of beautiful asses happens. It was a tempting ass.
Earlier today, I liked touching your ass at the library dumpster. It was soft.
by Wal-Mart Stares January 1, 2008
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A sexually frustrated woman who converts bottled up sexual energy into energy spent turning the library into a mini dictatorship. She will badger library goers with pedantic and pointless rules such as, "No sitting on the tables" and "No grunting noises". To sum up, library nazis are generally undesirable women with large ghetto arses.
Tabitha is the epitome of a library nazi
by Babaoube June 2, 2006
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as in the heavy metal cartoon,Metalocalypse -
Murderface: "i think they call this the food libraries."
Swissgar: "It's a grocery store ya douche-bag."
by xmunchkinx December 6, 2008
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