It's what happens when a person comes into conflict when purchasing a new (or pre-existing) LEGO set.
Thanks a lot, LEGO Group. I'm suffering Melnikov's Gambit trying to get ahold of the new modular set!
by Boo69Boo69 April 7, 2023
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When your opponent gambits his Queen for a pawn and he instantly loses the game by hanging mate in 1
Wow Tony used the Charles Gambit , Immeasurable Variation
by Thighnoon February 11, 2021
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A simple yet effective chess trap that players of any rating will be guaranteed to fall for. With the founder GM Vikram Rahul Abishek Pranav Rajesh, here are steps to ensure you are in a winning position:

We will start with a standard opening, king's pawn to e4. Black responds with the Scandivanian Defense, queen's pawn to d5. This is black's first mistake, and the game is already over for him. We will play knight to f3. Black responds by capturing our pawn, attacking our knight. Now we will move our knight to g5, saving the piece and attacking black's pawn. To defend the hanging pawn, black plays knight to f6, bringing the piece into a more active square. We will move our pawn to d3. Black is already ahead in material, and so they will accept the sacrifice. Now we can develop our bishop by capturing the pawn on d3. Black plays pawn to h6, attacking the knight. What we will do next is move the knight to f7, forking the rook and queen. Black has no options except to capture the knight and leave it in an exposed position. We can move the bishop to g6 to check black. Black cannot retreat his king because the bishop is now attacking this entire corridor. Black once again has no other choice but to capture with their king. Black's queen is now exposed after we sacrificed a knight and bishop. The next move is obvious. We can launch an RT-2PM2 «Topol-M» cold-launched three-stage solid-propellant silo-based intercontinental ballistic missile to attack black's remaining pieces.
GM Vikram Rahul Abishek Pranav Rajesh used the Réti Opening: Tennison Gambit, Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Variation against Magnus Carlsen, instantly decimating his chances of winning the World Blitz Chess Championship.
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Someone who plays Gambit in Destiny 2, Also known as a masochist.
Oh no, he is a Gambit Player. Quick Take the Heavy Ammo Away from Him!
by Gambit Player #5542 January 6, 2022
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A defense strategy where one seeks to extricate oneself from a bad situation by claiming to be innocent by (a usually absurd) technicality. Named for former US president Bill Clinton, who popularized this strategy in the 1990s with his creative explanations for how he didn't actually smoke weed because he didn't "inhale", and most infamously, how he didn't technically lie when he said there is no sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky because "it depends on what the definition of "is" is."
Person 1: I just read an article about how Senator Rob Johnson claimed he didn't technically commit a crime by being involved in a plot to replace legitimate Electoral College electors with fraudulent ones in the 2020 election, because he was only involved for "a couple seconds"...

Person 2: A Republican using the Bill Clinton Gambit? Oh the sweet irony.
by Alex-2598 August 23, 2022
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Zesrac sie do rzeki, ale w taki sposob zeby dziewczynka obok stwierdzila i napomniala swojej matuli nastepujace slowa "Mamo, mamo patrz wegorz!". Sam autor przyznaje ze dlugi byl skurwysyn.
Widziales co on odjebal?

Znowu Gambit Gana byl robiony!
Ja pierdole.
by ratownik przy rzece May 10, 2021
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-To unleash something at the perfect time by chance. Any earlier attempts would prove to be the wrong decision.
-choosing to break open a locked position at a critical moment without being sure of the outcome, but it ends up working out.
"Don't break the seal man, once you start you'll open the floodgates!" Chad hassled me at the party. Little did he know, I was quite the master of the Seald Gambit. 50% of the time it works everything.
by 5EverSupport November 1, 2022
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