Noun: those kids you see on those ASPCA or UNICEF or something, usually you can count their ribs

Verb: used widely by mothers towards their children, when they haven't finished their food (mostly vegetables) to represent that they are lucky to have food
Adj: used to describe a African kid, but they have to be from Africa and not like a Muslim African like dark skin ass one
Starving kids in Africa:
White child; Mom! I'm full gonna go play more COD now cuz thats all I do and have not freakin life and will probably end up shooting my school!
White mother, or black you pick; You didn't finish your vegetable yet, you know that staring kids in Africa don't get anything
by 2npwanc March 6, 2017
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Pronounced space-man africa even though there is a silent AND invisible letter "A" at the beginning
Katie's middle name is Space-Man Africa
by haha i told u lol December 19, 2010
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Something that is just as funny as the joke in Get Him to the Greek where the African American says, "I just play the drums and make the Africa face!"
Did you hear Johnny making fun of Julie last night? He was being Africa-Face funny!
by Jay5273 August 29, 2011
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a place where Black people go to get the apprenticeship of a lifetime so a few of their descendants can get a job to make up to $15 per hour in about 500 years after they bring them right back to america in slave ships
"Go back to africa!"
"I can't you'll just bring me back here!"
by Vita Smart July 27, 2022
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"Go back to africa!"
"I already have a job. I can't get time off to travel. What else do you want?"
by Vita Smart July 27, 2022
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used as a pathetic excuse when someone is found doing something wrong or lying

It was started by a Nigerian-born TV personality named Bobby Ologun. Bobby is a K-1 fighter and entertainer and when he is questioned about assult charges he replies "It happens a lot in Africa."
guy 1 "oh i cant wait to enjoy this juicy hamburger, but right after taking a crap"

several minutes later

guy 1 "now for my burger, wah, Bob what the hell! i was gonna eat that you bastard!"

Bob "It happens a lot in Africa"
by zetsubou sensei July 27, 2010
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When you're doing missionary position with a girl but you have bad aim and accidentally slip it into her asshole.
Me and my girl were doing missionary but she was extra lubed up and I slipped and ended up Blessing the Rains Down in Africa
by BreadstickMagician April 11, 2019
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