Shit residue left on a toilet seat from someone with poor personal hygiene.
I had to use the restroom really bad and unfortunately someone before me left Ogre Dust on the toilet seat.
by JHely April 22, 2022
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The act of entering a person's Live Stream (usually one in which the topic you disagree with) and leaving contradictory and baiting comments. These comments are typically sanctimonious in nature, implying your moral superiority over all who are currently enjoying the Live, with the intention of hijacking the focus onto one's self.
Did you see when Donna came into my Live today and totally crop dusted the comment section? Ya, she totally knew no one would care about what she had to say, but DK Crop Dusting occurred anyways!
by Funnelcakes December 16, 2019
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Means when your so freaking awesome,you couldn't hit the ground even if you fell.
Dust in time manifestation of coincidences and denture adventures.
by Madisonsrealistknapper83 February 19, 2023
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When you spread the ass cheeks apart to do an ass rinsing with your tool , the dust of dead skin cells , being dead or just a filthy non showering crumb , in short the hard plate of dried extrement starts to break down releasing the particles into ones atmosphere
Her ass dust poofed up into clouds so dense I could not see what was INFRONT of me is what happened when I spread her cheeks to pleasure her from behind also know as back door, fart hole , rectum , up the bum no babies hole
by The bossiest May 9, 2022
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The act of getting extremely excited when you find crumble sprinkled on your pudding.
“Oh look, crumble dusting!”

“Oh gees, can this day get any better?! Crumble dusting!”
by Psyhunter January 23, 2023
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Extreme amounts of dust and other airborn particles that usually gather and settle on televisions and coffee tables.
Man, you have some rad dust on your tv. Clean your house you lazy shit.
by Anthony1111 May 6, 2008
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