A form of crop dusting where you accidentally shit yourself. This smells so toxic that it is comparable to the spraying of Agent Orange from cropdusters during the Vietnam War.
"When had to let one rip in school, I had a Vietnam Crop Dusting the hallway. Can you bring me some clean pants, mom?"
by Scatman_Sam October 31, 2017
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those goddamned dry sugar cookies with the nauseatingly sweet frosting you can get at Kroger or at a cheap birthday party
Friend: Dude, did you go to my cousin's party?
Me: Yeah, they had ass dust cookies!!
by SUBM4CH1N3 March 21, 2023
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Crumbs, little pieces of cooked bread that dislodge from your toast while eating it...making a mess!
Alice, you better take care of that toast dust immedialey. I am not having Louise clean up after you again.
by tkerman August 29, 2019
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Cocaine. That's it. Cocaine.
Phil: Hey man what you got there?
Hector: Ah just some dust in a baggie
Phil: What the fuck is that
Hector: Cocaine.
by Beavecoon May 7, 2021
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Surprising a friend with the gift of cannabis!
I found a Faerie Dusting at my door today! Not sure where it came from…..must’ve been a Weed Faerie because there’s Cannabis in it!!
by Faerie Queen June 5, 2022
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A dusty dude who uses his woman's money & his own to "surprise" her with a busted car or house. He believes his contribution is more valid than her own, & that he doesn't have to consult her with any major decisions. Posts his "accomplishment" on the internet while dragging her for being "ungrateful." Has no more money to even start repairs on the fixer upper, but expects praise.
The pick mes lust over the man who posted his dust Trap on the internet.
by MsTea July 25, 2022
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Can be used to describe a single female (Dust Trap)or a group of females (Dust Traps) who sleep around a lot and play with mens hearts.
popularised by a master of women, Mr Sheen.
Example 1:
Son: Dad, there was a man in mommy’s bedroom yesterday when you were at work and i walked in on them wrestling with their clothes off.

Dad: i knew i shouldn’t have married her she’s a proper dust trap.
Example 2:
Friend 1: Those girls over there look nice let’s go talk to them.
Friend 2: Nah i know them their all proper dust traps.
by CafeTeamMember2 February 2, 2022
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