Synonym: bingo wings, sagging fat that hangs from under obese persons' arms and is seen especially when the arms are lifted and shaken while the person is shouting "Bingo!".
Look at those whale flippers! That lady must easily be over 500 pounds!
by pentozali August 23, 2013
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When a woman masturbates or when a man fingers a woman
Woman 1: I was harpooning the whale as hard as I could last night
Woman 2: I know I heard u
by ass in your face May 19, 2018
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The saggy fat that hangs from the upper arm region. Typically found on older women that substitute teach or work in library's.
Damn bro, check out the whale wings on the librarian! She bout to fly over to McDonalds with them how's.
by NotTheGuyThatToldYouThisTerm February 22, 2022
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Not human poo or dog poo or heaven forbid horse poo, but a whole other level of disgusting poo. If different poo were levels of hell whale poo would be Satan's penthouse. Whale poo is so utterly disgusting that I can do it no complete justice in this definition
Person 1: You are just whale poo!
Person 2:*loud gasp*
Person 2:*calls the national guard*
by Sickasfrick August 31, 2015
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A fat, drunk woman that actively pursues you in a bar, or a club setting.
Damn. Loretta is a drunk land whale. I had to run out the club, without paying my tab to save my life.
by Logan0787 April 9, 2023
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A drunk woman, in a bar, or club who actively pursues another individual for sex.
Damn, Loretta is a drunk land whale. I had to run out the club, without paying the tab to save myself.
by Logan0787 April 9, 2023
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A Geometry Dash player who uses the 225 User Coin Icon. True Whale Icon players are at least somewhat active in Daily Chat, a community chatroom in the comment section of every Daily Level.
“Guess what happened in Daily Chat today: everyone became a (GD) Whale Icon and chanted ancient prophecies while we sacrificed the weakest member!”
“...o - kayyy?”
by BeanheadGD June 3, 2021
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