Bitches that have no eyebrows and like to flirt with the guy that you like because she is a dirty slut bag.
by StallionDuck April 15, 2011
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A person who lays in bed and does nothing except maybe yelling at people to do things for them.
"Kyle is being a bed bitch right now for doing nothing while laughing at me for being productive."

"Don't be such a bed bitch, and get your own water."
by Mduncgrad August 20, 2014
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When you wear your pants past your ass and your underwear is exposed
Look at that fool bitch saggin, does he not own a belt?
by nina1586 March 30, 2011
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A fine girl that smokes weed!
Jon: "Hey Kevin, who is that new girl you've been talking to?"

Kevin: "Thats my new girlfriend. Or as I would like to call her, my stoner bitch."

by KV2k April 29, 2012
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When all the females around you in a college dorm sync up their menstrual cycles.
I heard it's Bitch week on the top floor of Governor's Hall. The boys up there better watch out.
by robertclaflin December 7, 2015
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The act of annoying people by coughing excessively.
“I think Joe has bronchitis he won’t stop coughing
“No, he’s just a lung bitching pussy. I wish he was dead”
by MeDabeast December 26, 2011
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A person who is frequently a victim of Murphy's Law
Man A: I was going to go out tonight, but when i put my shirt on the sleeve ripped, i couldn't find my keys, The ATM rejected my card so i couldn't get any money out, and all my friends cancelled at the last minute...i think someone has it in for me.
Man B: Naw, You're just Murphy's Bitch.
by Killin2day June 24, 2011
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