In a Snapchat text conversation:
The person who saves the texts.
So nice of him being my snap bitch, so I don't have to remember all the messages.
by Komma5 August 12, 2018
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The connection of two fingers mid-snap that creates a sound that claps through the air.
Guy walking with headphones, snapping loudly to music

"Man, that guy has a serious meat snap"
by Littleyeti August 26, 2017
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when you go to a place you want to go to but it goes horribly wrong
oh snap i gotta get outta here the volcano is erupting
by Apaoapaeowiskwiaow. February 21, 2022
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Making a staged or pretend snapchat snap to fool your followers into thinking you are clever, cool, silly and/or clumsy
I think when she “fell asleep all cute” it was a faux snap and really just a selfie. She ain’t got a girlfriend.

Did you see that bitches faux snap last night? He has never gotten into a bar fight in his life!
by Grash0per February 23, 2018
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A snap dragon is a female who is short tempered and rude or cranky and who also tends to be bossy.

Another word for a Crazy Bitch.

A girl who goes from normal to crazy in an instant , a snap case , who is also being bossy or bitchy.
The lady at the grocery store just freaked out on everyone for no reason, what a snap dragon she was.

Oh that woman is a real snap dragon!
by Itanimulli999 September 8, 2021
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When you're showing where you are by just moving the camera all around the room, showing everyone you are with
"Omg did u see where jess was yesterday?!?"

"Yes!! I saw her views snap at Disney World"
by Dogsdoingyoga October 28, 2017
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A way to ask a guy if he wants to send you a picture of his penis.
Ryan: Hey chris, wanna snap snake me?
Chris: woah dude that’s hella gay.
Ryan: it’s fine I have socks on so no homo.
Chris:oh sweet dude, let me get it up!
by Cocksuckingking May 20, 2020
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