Detoxing from any drug, but especially alcohol. The mentally and physically uncomfortable (and potentially fatal) withdrawal process which accompanies ceasing the use of one's drug of choice on one's own, i.e. without medical assistance.

"Shaking" refers to the "tremors" (shaking uncontrollably) which accompany this process.

"The Doom" refers any and/or all of the following: 1) the consistent and delusional feeling that something horrible and unstoppable is on the verge of occuring; 2) the "shadows", i.e. visual hallucinations which are the result of "delirium tremens" and/or insomnia; 3) the existential dread, terror, and regret concerning the very real possibility of death from withdrawal; and/or the intense nausea which causes one to be unable to "keep anything down."

Shaking off the Doom does not necessarily incapacitate, in that someone could, for example, still go to school or work while being in the process of it. Oftentimes, however, it is, temporarily, physically and mentally crippling. The Doom is shaken off when one is able to resume normal functioning.
Person 1: "Are you ok? You look like death!"

Person 2: "Yeah, I'm just shaking off the Doom. I've been drinking hard for three weeks straight, but ran outta money and booze."
by Zavcaptain April 15, 2022
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When one is in a hurry or is rushed. “Shake a Peter” also can be used as Peter shakin’ when one is bored.
“Shake a Peter boys, we’re late!”
by This guy KW November 1, 2021
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place where onii ghost and kek will have sex on oct 19th
onii: we will go to steak n shake on oct 19 to have sex ghost and kek
by saft1X March 2, 2021
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A double entendre for 'ground breaking' but also to describe a real good orgasm when someone touches your gaping singular hole
by comdomsrus June 5, 2022
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somebody who is an alcoholic and wakes up shaking, needing to drink alcohol to feel okay and function
“why is bro shaking over there” “dudes got the morning shakes, that dudes livers like iron
by wtw717 June 12, 2022
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the shake that tweaker’s have basically all the time. most likely nerve damage from their hard drugs.
“have you seen uncle jake recently?”
“no, why?”
“well he’s got tweaker shake now”
“damn is it bad?”
by no snitchin October 22, 2017
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When you fart and feel your underwear moving
I was laying in my bed and farted it was cloth shaking
by CookieMonster14 February 9, 2020
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