A girl who ain't pretty or sexy 'nouf to be a real gold digga, and who can only attract Splenda Daddies to hook up wit.
She's a fool's gold digga, scoping out a Sugar Daddy, but they ain't looking for her.
by VintageGibson August 18, 2016
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Beer, ale or any foaming, yellowish alcohol of good quality.
"Bro, I was knocking back glass after glass of complimentary foam gold at that dinner party, I ended up being kicked out on the spot."
by Bub M. D. October 24, 2017
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A woman too dumb to be a Gold Digger, but believes she is. She is in turn used to make money for the man she believes she is taking advantage of, usually as a prostitute or pornographic actress.
Damn, Sherri thinks she's spending all my dough, but that bitch made me 1,000 bucks today, she ain't no gold digger, she's a gold grower.
by The Vile One July 7, 2012
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An Individual who has to date someone who makes a certain amount of money to make up for their own financial irresponsibility & compulsory spending habits.

These individuals are different than the classic gold digger because they often work hard and make enough to support more than one person yet they have to borrow money constantly and or date people who make a certain amount of money to make it because they can't manage their own money properly whether in a relationship or not.

As an excuse to keep spending irresponsibly these Individuals often choose to date co-dependent enablers who will enable them to keep spending like they do, then will blame it on the other person as if they're the issue when it's both parties at fault. In some cases they will even stay with abusive people if there's enough money involved, which proves they're mentally unfit to be in a relationship with anyone.

These individuals constantly claim to want true love and a man/woman who treats them right, but they can experience exactly that and will throw it all away due their overwhelming love for money & material possessions if the person who loves them doesn't make enough money.
Occupational Gold Digger Examples

Her: *spends tons of money on wants not needs*
Also Her: *complains about not having money and looks their partners way to fix the problem they caused and or borrows money off others*

Him: *does everything to be there for their significant other in ways more important than money*
Also Him *treated as if they're not enough cause they're not pulling in enough money*

Her: *constantly posts online about wanting true love and a man who treats them right*
Also Her: *gets exactly that, kicks them to curb for not making enough money*
by xREDRUM4759604 March 27, 2023
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when you just learned minecraft steve can hold 171 chests inside each other
and in every layer there are a stack of gold blocks and you lol so hard that your penis ejaculates off of your body and hits your eye and next the penis returns holding your wife and drops it off and then the penijoker is released and you go on campus and after you return you trip on a airplane who the owner is minecraft steve and he kills you
Person 1:Did you know that minecraft steve can hold 171 chests inside each other
and in every layer there are a stack of gold blocks?
Person 2; N-
Person 3; I AM THE MOTHERFUCKING BATMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Person 1; Person 3 is a gold freaker.
Person 3; uh oh, stinky!
*Person 3 dies*
by medangerousmuginmyammarsky January 10, 2023
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If you fight Giorno and he uses his stand it's basically just you didn't do anything
by Jojoreference(: April 3, 2022
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The Gold Coast Suns are a foopy team in Queensland that like to lend their toys to their friends, but never receive anything back for them. They are kind hearted, who always want the best for others.
Yo Timmy, the Gold Coast Suns just gave me this teddy bear, and didn’t ask for anything back!
by Bob - Your uncle November 23, 2021
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