First conceptualised in Australia and regularly conducted in the late 90s, the 12 tap challenge is a drinking competition at a public establishment that requires partipants to fully consume one pint from each tap at the bar, in a row, from left to right. No tap can be skipped, and no tap repeated in lieu of wanting to skip a disliked tap. If the row of 12 includes wines, they must also be included. It is best to avoid rows which include wines due to the increased chances of vomiting.

There must be at least 12 taps at the bar, and participants are disqualified if they fall behind the other competitors (by one tap), or sneak off to the bathroom to vomit and then return to the competition. Participants can honorably withdraw at any time without repercussion or slander from peers.

If desired, participants can vote to start from the right and progress to the left if they believe it will be easier to stomach certain beers at one end over the other, however all participants must follow the same direction.

There may be more than one winner. Winners must fully consume pints from all 12 taps without vomiting. Standing and/or walking is negotiable, as is vomiting after being declared the winner. Winners receive props from their mates for life and don't have to pay for the taxi home. Other awards such as tshirts, engraved stein glasses, or actual trophies may be given. Upon receiving, drinking from the stein or trophy is also encouraged so as to further revel in the glory of winning.
Chris is a legend, somehow he won the 12 tap challenge but then hugged the ceramic throne for half an hour. I only made it to 8.
by HazloAhora October 13, 2019
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A sexual pleasure only endused by the touching to ones clitoris by ones fingertips
Bro, I totally gave her the sonic tap
by Sexual Pleasure January 18, 2015
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(verb). The act of sexual intercourse with a random person on a road trip.

When the door is locked on a gas station because I am in tapping the waitress ass while actually being on a road trip.
Sorry for being late, I had to stop for a quick road-tap.
by kpthetapmaster69 July 14, 2019
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As there is a slap ass Friday, there is now a tap tit Monday all you do is tap their tit (if they are a girl)
“Hey Sarah!” *taps tit*

“Ow what was that for?!”
“It’s tap tit Monday!”
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When TSA agents expose breasts during a vigorous frisking check up at any airport that has TSA. It often leads to sueing by th female victim
Wife: " Those people just booby taped me"
Husband: " What? you should sue"
Wife: " yeah the hell I will. No one booby taps me and get away with it"
by cleverassholelover June 2, 2011
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Used in conversations that are, usually, one sided attacks, on an off-guard, or unsuspecting (usually male) person, generally from their girlfriend, wife, woman, side-piece, or mistress, the term is used by the person that was on the receiving end of the attack, at the end of the conversation to signify their resignation towards the conversation. This term was first used circa 2000's when the UFC was gaining in popularity.

The phrase tap tap is the verbal form of tapping out in the sport of MMA. One may tap out due to punishment that cannot be adequately defended, or possibly against a training partner, and you let them complete the submission to give them confidence.

In the conversation the male is usually minding his business, engaged in some activity, or possibly even talking and listening to his female, providing her kind, loving, and helpful support, when she launches a vicious tirade upon him, regularly about nothing, and starts taking shit out on him, then after he has had enough and get irritated, speaks his mind about being attacked for no reason, and she is unable to explain herself, he may choose to conclude the conversation with, "Tap tap, I'm out." or "I'm good, tap tap."

This statement can be used to signify that one is withdrawing from the conversation and are tapping out from speaking any further, or it can signify that one is tapping out from that conversation and all future conversations (tapping out from the relationship altogether)
Her (Amy): "I was asked to do Gina's job for her! she was on the phone, and talking with guys, instead of doing her job, so *I* get punished?"

Him (Bob): "Emotional support, or a solutions conversation babe?"

Her: "Both"

Him: "You're right that is bullshit, they are lucky to have you. Maybe tell the boss what she's doing?"

Her: "Now it's my responsibility to have to talk to the boss about HER?! You really think THAT'S fair Bob?! Just like you Bob! You're siding with her because you think she is hot, huh?!"

Him:*Confused sigh and shoulder shrug* "Amy, I don't know Gina. You shouldn't have to talk about issues of others to the boss, but that is the situation that you are in, and you wanted possible solutions."

Her: "So, which is it then Bob? Do I tell the boss that she is screwing around at work, or should I just do her job for her then, since you 'Haven't even met'?"

Him: "Enough, you're attacking me, I've been supportive to you, why are you taking it out on me?"

Her: "Just like you Bob, always making everything about you, I'm not attacking you, when did I 'attack' you?!"

Him: "You're being overtly rude and sarcastic to the solution that I gave. When you implied that I would side with her over you, when we have been together, for what now feels like too many years now."

Her: *Starting to cry* "Now you are saying that we have been together too long. You are always so mean and rude all the time! I can't live like this anymore!"

Him: "Okay, I'm good, tap tap. I'm out."
by Malicor Baal July 20, 2023
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tap tap tap” means when you tap your breast and film it and post it
mike: isnt that naomi
kelvin: yh she made the tap tap tap video i swr?
mike: yeah
by littlemisshalleyacademy August 23, 2022
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