When a person sticks a wand up a girls ass and pulls it out with poop particles on it. They then snort the poop off of the wand and butt rim into their nose. This is done mostly by Mexicans of the Northeast because of their notorious fecal addictions and craving.
"Amigo, I gave that girl the best poop snorting wizard of her life. at the end I had a poop rim around my nostrils." "It was so hot, si?
by Big daddy G fizzle June 18, 2009
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When a female queef on a duck and hits it with a pot over and over till it dies
Yo John, I saw addy moser do a duck queef snort
by Fooberfrn August 8, 2021
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the smaching of diamonds to dust and then snorting them. in hopes of being worth more because they thing they r worth nothing.
hi do u want to do diamond dust snorting with me?
or u r not worth shit. no im worth 20k in diamonds.
by Nikku verde feu Krieger January 17, 2007
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When a girl takes a guys load right up her nose and sniffs it further up like itz some kind of new, exotic drug. YOU SICKEN ME!
Chris: Hemi likes boyz! wat a faggot!
Dillon:wat u gonna do this weekend Hemi?Besides smell like a dead horse and not shower.
Hemi(fag):Im prolly just gonna go home , put on some country music and try snorting wet meth.
Aaron:BF3C 4 life nigga!
by NiPz Is MyHerO November 12, 2005
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a awesome word used by Peter Michael Sally and Pamela Madden Smith. It has been copywrighted so dont try to use it. It is the sister word to uber dork. :
Joe: I totally saw matthew with a man!
Nick: Omg teehee giggle snort.

Omg, violet that sweater is soo teehee giggle snort!
by twiglett is on crack January 31, 2008
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The act of swallowing excess from a mung milking incident. This is done by tilting the head back and snorting inward via the nose in combination with sucking in via an the lower lip - thus effectively cleaning the mung milk from the entire area between nose and upper lip.
Man, did you see that snot - snorter? That crumb did a backward mung snort and got rid of his whole ghetto baby mustache in one shot!
by moydog September 3, 2008
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