Caucasian epidermis chronically pink or deep brown colored, resembling roast beef.
Lovebug is a dirty italian, he has roast beef legs.

Carol has tender rare roast beef neck.
by Vee Tron May 24, 2005
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a distigusting vagina also soemtimes known as mac n' cheese should not be traded for prime rib

a.k.a. - kaitlyn
oh jesus gil you gave up prime rib for a roast beef sandwich?
by not chris turner November 23, 2007
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Man I'm hung over today because of all those roast beef sammiches I had lastnight.(nm)
by Pater June 10, 2003
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the large flapping, beefy scrotum like skin sometimes covered in a film of what would appear to be chedder sauce caused by hygene negligence.
Mary Jane rotten crotch: Omg im so sorry about my roast beef and chedder cunt last night.

dingle berry johnson: Oh thats ok, i dont mind a little flavour.
by sirmarksalot December 26, 2011
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When you fuck your cousin so hard her pussy falls out so you put some bread and mustard on it and eat her out.
Me: bro i ate a mississippi roast beef sandwich last night!

Friend: that sounds awesome, what is it?
Me: my cousin!
by bigboy992 March 30, 2021
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I rather loose vagina found on nasty sloot doggies who sleep around a lot. Some men might find it attractive but others prefer a nice tight vagina. All personal preference.
"I noticed after Lucy stopped using her vibrator every night her roast beef sandwich tightened up" Ken
"I remember the first time you fucked, you had to stick your dick and her vibrator in at the same time" Ed
by toeingmywayintokiki August 7, 2016
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