Looking for anything floating in the LA River. Floater checks are done by buoyant debris technicians known as Sheeshters.
I hope to teach my grandkids how to floater check one day.

Right everyone, grab a flashlight and let’s floater check
by JenLou88 April 30, 2023
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A lengthy turd that don't sink.
I shat such a long floater that the toilet almost cloggged.
by Octopod November 7, 2003
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when you're someplace and you really don't like the host, you go to the bathroom, lift up the cover of the top toilet tank, and take a shit in that one instead of the usual bowl
i left a tank floater at stanky's the other night.
by the tulip September 12, 2003
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A term used to describe a resource EG. Pictures, Media, Quotes, etc, which has been found on a different website than other resources on it's page. In other words, a compilation of images where each image is from a different website is a compilation of internet floaters. On the other hand, if one were to compile images all from the same source, they would not be considered internet floaters.
Steve: Hey check out these pics!
Bob: How do I know someone didn't just send you all those on one powerpoint?
Steve: They're internet floaters, I swear!
by Pestro B muthaafuckaaaa June 28, 2009
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a blackberry that has been inadvertently dropped in the toilet
Linda was forced to purchase an iPhone after she became the not so happy owner of a blackberry floater.
by TBPM November 16, 2009
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A person whom changes 'social groups' regualarly and changes to fit in. This can be for many reasons:

1. They want to be accepted by all people and thrive off popularity.

2. They switch groups everytime they get a new partner..of whom they 'love' after a short while.

3. They follow the trends of these so called 'famous' people, thinking that it is the cool thing to do. paris hilton comes to mind.
lisa: ''whats up with jane? she was with friends with us yesterday but now she's with those emo's''

kate: ''she just thinks she's cool...she's such a social floater''
by jebusF April 10, 2007
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Don't go in the bathroom between 7:00 and 8:00, that's when the two-tone floater is in there!
by chad January 27, 2005
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