This usually means a ban meaning to kick someone for good, but in some servers, its just an out-of-school suspension
I am going to ban you on Discord with a simple Discord ban
by 2004-bit Tech May 10, 2019
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A combo of obesity, not moving from their computers 24/7, clamming they have at least 12 girlfriends, and repeating that process
“You see that guy over there in the house? He looks like a discord mod.”
by Cheese10011 September 17, 2021
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A retarded person that mutes people for no reason, or for posting memes, is a simp and calls random e-girls "kitten"
by Zexid November 27, 2020
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Someone who is part of a Discord Server, but rarely sends chats and NEVER joins the VC without mute and deafen on. These people are usually on for quite a while at a time, but you wont ever really see them interact.
Person 1: I've seen that guy on a lot, but never seen him talk.
Person 2: That's because he is a Discord Lurker
by DiscordLurker March 29, 2022
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An evolution of the "Reddit Mod", these neckbeards spend hours on their $3000 desktop set ups, parusing the discord servers looking for rule breakers. These can be closeted pedophiles due to the copious amounts of Loli hentai they watch.
Guys, dont post memes in #general-chat or I may have to ban you for 24 hours.

Anyway, back to what I was saying, I do belive that the age of consent should be lowered to 13 years old. I am a discord mod so this is okay
by Comrade Boris January 1, 2022
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Basically it does nothing more than a cash-grab for Discord. Those features aren't worth $9.99/month.
Guy 1: Hey I got Discord Nitro
Guy 2: And? You could just upload images and Gifs lol!
by Random User Online November 13, 2021
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