Vanessa is probably one of the coolest people out there, she is very loving and fun!
by PloopFard March 23, 2020
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Vanessa, a chimichanga who is covered in ranch and is licking honey mustard off of peoples toes.
Vanessa the spicy chimichanga.
by mangotango134 September 11, 2017
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Vanessa is very loud and outspoken; you know when she shows up the room will light up. She is a woman of many words; very unique; always has alcohol in her foam cup, even in the am. She is always tan and you will know for sure and can't win a leg war to save her life. Watch out for her elephant stomp in a thumb war. Excellent grammatical skills and is hot to trot. Yes Those are real; they came with the frame; and don't cross a bitch.
Vanessa is one BAD donkey!!

Are those tripple D's?

reply: Yes they are.
by JIMMYWOO July 10, 2018
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A "porquitchona".
- That girl is really Vanessa.

- You are right! She is a real porquitchona!
by TheBigBald July 14, 2018
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Basic as FUCKKKKKKK. Lives off of pumpkin spice latte's and unicorn dick.

Drinks fireball because it's the "cool thing" to do. Badass chicks drinks whiskey.

Dreams of getting married on December 29th even though she bitches about the cold.

Will one day realize that Jeff & Vince are God's amongst men.
Vanessa: Hey, let's go to Starbucks and wear leggings with Uggs!

Whitney: OMG YES. We are so basic!
Vanessa: Take a picture! Hashtag yay us, basic white girls, Starbucks, bye, like, what
by Monica2.0 September 10, 2017
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Hecka hot girl with brown hair. She's really annoying and says shut up every time you call her pretty.
Boy: Hey you look really pretty today
Vanessa: Shut up
by HotGuyJake1923 October 26, 2020
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Vanessa is very Funny and makes you smile when you see her. She is super intelligent, shy, kind and full of fun things to do. And smart she gets A's and B's on exams and report cards. But she has a favorite friend but its not you. She can also be a dork but shes a good friend. Any boy would fall in love with her even though she doesn't realize.
Vanessa is the most Friendly, and sasy at the same time, friend.
by Yoyo_ildv March 17, 2018
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