The hottest woman to ever be named as a Vice Presidential running mate!
Have you seen Alaska's Governor Sarah Palin? She is McCain's schmokin' hot pick for Vice President in the upcoming 2008 Presidential election!
by Misty Dawn August 29, 2008
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The Whore of Babble On
Every time the Whore of Babble On opens her mouth, Jesus kills TEN kittens.

I propose a new drinking game. Every time Sarah Palin says something stupid, we all take a drink!
by Animal63 December 17, 2013
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Governor of state of Alaska. Triggers inane and childish entries into Urban Dictionary by jejune contributors
There are 50 states. They all have governors elected by popular vote. Sarah Palin was the governor of Alaska. It's a state.
by creed5555 November 17, 2009
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An strong, independent former VP nominee on the Republican ticket. Is criticized for her conservative, Christian, creationist, and pro-life views. No, she doesn't believe in murdering defenseless children. A great role model!
Q: Did you hear about Sarah Palin's statement against a Family Guy episode?

A: Yes, but the Family Guy episode slammed her baby boy, Trig for having Down Syndrome.
by small voice. February 17, 2010
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Complete opposite understanding of intended information.
Worse... I just did a Sarah Palin... I looked at the facts, assessed the situation, and arrived at the most furthest, most completely unrelated, and obviously wrong conclusion possible...
by TheSpyofCharles February 9, 2011
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I've already got a mom, I don't need you, Sarah Palin!
by TheCrazyMaddie November 25, 2010
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Quite Positively the MILF of the century.
Could be a GILF soon, apparently her daughter's pregnant.
Also John McCain's failed vice presidential candidate.
You seen Sarah Palin? What a MILF!
by Dr. Gee November 5, 2008
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