A black person that ignores rap and hip-hop in favor of Rock Music. Usually at any show- punk, hardcore, or metal; at least a handful of Rock 'n Roll negroes are in attendance.
Singer: "Dude! What was with the all the brothers at the show? Did they think we was a rap act?"
Dude: "No man! We are just popular with the Rock 'n Roll Negroes!"
by Oldbull February 28, 2011
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An Excellent Sexual Episode with a Fit Partner just before going to sleep.
Karl: "Dude, I'm still knackered after having a Rock N Roll Bedtime last night!"

Dom: "Lucky Fucker!"
by The Rock N Roller October 22, 2009
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rock and roll death watch is when the masses keep an eye out on a rock star when they are doing to many drugs or have developed heath problems like cancer
kieth richards has been on rock and roll death watch for the last 35 years
by Bad Touch Ultra Rapist May 19, 2010
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the holy bible of DIY punk rock, if you don't read Maximum Rock'n' Roll & you claim to be punk chances are you're a fucking poser!
I read the latest issue of Maximum Rock 'n' Roll & there was an interview with MDC that I thought was quite thought provoking.
by Karl Bakla June 26, 2005
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A skateboard trick in a half-pipe, mini ramp, on a quarter pipe, and its a type of crazy people music. (where people bust up perfectly good guitars, and will kill themselves in a concert)
that was a pretty clean rock'n'roll, steve caballaro.

Rock'n'roll is crazy people music. Its not that great.
by slay December 26, 2003
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Is an avid lover of electrified music, they look a little bad ass and intimidating on the outside but are generally down to earth, friendly and balanced persons who live life with a special kind of gusto and positivity.
Chicks in denim with tattoos, guys with ripped jeans; t-shirts; trucker hats, beer swilling air guitarists, rock fanatics, rock geeks, chicks who love rock, rock n roll motherfucker.
by DIRTY DEGENERATE BOY January 8, 2014
A figurative concept that refers to harnessing the greatness of Rock ‘n Roll and putting it into a tasty sandwich. Used to describe how awesome something is.
Hey man, did you see that I got Slayer to play in my basement? Hell Yeah! That’s a Rock 'n Roll Sandwich!
by Gorester November 21, 2011
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