5 definitions by Karl Bakla

the holy bible of DIY punk rock, if you don't read Maximum Rock'n' Roll & you claim to be punk chances are you're a fucking poser!
I read the latest issue of Maximum Rock 'n' Roll & there was an interview with MDC that I thought was quite thought provoking.
by Karl Bakla June 26, 2005
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A horrible as fuck Grind Core band that sounds like shit & has several songs about girls menstruating.
dude! Anal Blast played at the Boston Bar with Avenger Of Blood & it cost $6.66 to get in.
by Karl Bakla June 26, 2005
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besides being a great southern Califonia punk band it also stands for TOUGH SHIT OUT of LUCK!
Look you homeless mother fucker I will not give you a fucking dollar, you are TSOL my friend!
by Karl Bakla June 26, 2005
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Used in Asia for generations, insert these beads into the rectum and pull them out when your lover orgasms.
man o'man I shot a load of cum about five feet when the Bethanator pulled the Chinese Love Beads out of my bum.
by Karl Bakla June 26, 2005
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I'm so glad I have a mushroom dick because I never have to worry about getting a bad case of dick cheese.
by Karl Bakla June 26, 2005
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