Pronounced as the character from Outlander. The act of using your toes (specifically the space in between your big and index toes) to masturbate an individual that has a large clitoris or a small penis.
My partner has a great time when I give them the Jack Randal.
by TwinkleToeMaster July 27, 2019
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a nic-name for the name miranda, which mirandas are the most beautiful,sweetest , charming girls,dont lose one youll regret it.she is usually a freak,has piercings,fun to be with ,smartest
randalou lets go role play!
by hubby-to-be February 4, 2010
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Randall Comly was once the king of simps but ever since he got shot and taken into custody for dealing meth or something, his title of “The King of Simps” has now been passed down to Isaac “Little BartSimpson
“Dude did you hear about what happened to Randall Comly, The King of Simps?”

“Yeah, man, looks like it’s Simp Prince Isaac’s turn to take the throne
by quonradbonar December 5, 2019
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Used as a shortcut for a random, non important nobody that your friends barely know, or don't know need to know but still apart of the storyline when chattin it up with your friends.
"We were at this show waiting for Juiceboxxx to play and Randal came out of nowhere and pulled a beer from her crotch and offered it to Alyssa who handed it to Alex Hayes and now Alex has crabs on her face haha :).
by Wambambambi November 12, 2022
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A stinky degenerate who does not know any form of self hygene, also sometimes known as a hobgoblin, gremlin, gaycunt, or sewer dweller. Randal has an inate ability to sweat at all times no matter the temperature, and always manages to have moist hands. Randal has never been seen conversing with a member of the opposite gender and noone knows if it is physically possible for him to do so. it is advised that if any contact is made with Randal, to imediately douse oneself in hand sanitiser or any other form of disinfectant.
NP - "Just saw Randal, my hands are still dripping man, gotta find some hand sanitiser"
Randal - "I just washed them man, you're such a gaycunt"
by Adam Beau Burston March 3, 2022
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Randal, how do you describe a Randal. Well he is a totally amazing, sweet guy. Yeah he has his flaws like he is sometimes tense with you or he is very stubborn and even sometimes lazy. But he knows to make you laugh when your feeling down. Also knows when to buckle down and get his work done. He is very loyal, even when you piss him off and goes off to go cool off, he will always come back to you. He is a gentlemen. Sometimes he is horny but very respectful. You never want to let this guy go, because if you do you're making the biggest mistake of your life. Love and respect your Randal and he will show the same to you.
Man you made a dumb mistake by leaving Randal.
by Asphalt233 March 28, 2023
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