Someone who loves others for not only their personality and the way they act, but also their bodies. The pervert is the ideal date for someone who loves being loved that extra mile. Perverts also are happier, because their larger amount of sexual activity relieves stress. Bless the world's perverts.
I love him, he's such a pervert.
I'm a pervert.
by HeyMahDudes June 2, 2017
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An elderly homosexual pervert from Springfield, MA. He is obsessed with "pig fucking" and semen, he is very well-endowed, and he often calls random people in order to engage them in explicitly sexual conversations.
The Springfield Pervert called me last night. He said he would pig fuck me.
by analmaniac_666_69 July 9, 2012
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A person who pretends to not be perverted, but really is.
I saw Sam staring at her ass, he is such a closet pervert.
by that bbw chick March 14, 2015
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A nice old man who likes to give Popsicles to young boys that he keeps in his cellar.
Herbert the Pervert: Hey young fella. Do you like popsicles?
Idiot Boy: Yes
Herbert: I got a whole freezer full of them down in my cellar. Do you want to come down there with me?
Idiot Boy: Uh no thank you Mr. Herbert (leaves)
Herbert: Get your fat ass back here boy
by Popsicles in the cellar May 16, 2018
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Dude Herbert offered me some candy this morning and said come on I just wanna lick ya Herbert the pervert means: I WANT YOOUU
by Http/ February 24, 2015
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Pervert's Row is the seating directly in front of (or around) the stage at a strip club. The view is incredible. It provides easy access to the stage itself, for stage diving or stripper interaction.
Pervert's Row was full so we had to sit at the back of the bar. I couldn't see a f*cking thing.
by Time4SumAksion February 14, 2005
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1. A perverted guy who will go in for the moves, but will ask permission first

2. A perverted but nice and sensitive guy
1. Perverted Gentleman: Can I touch your boob?
Girl: Sure
Perverted Gentleman: Giggity Giggity

2. Girl 1:How can you like him, he's gross!
Girl 2: I know, but he's soooo sweet! He's a perverted gentleman!
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