Lorenzo is the typical shy and unsure boy, but if he opens his heart to you he will turn out to be a totally different person! He doesn't have many close friends and doesn't believe in love, but if you are the right person for him he will never get rid of you. Treat him right, hurt him once, and he'll hate you for life.
Person 1: Who is Lorenzo?
Person 2: Idk.
by DragonFire777 November 22, 2021
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Lorenzo is the greatest person you can met. He is the guy who fucks every single girl he wants to. Every girl loves him. If he loves your crush, you better give up because she already loves him. Lorenzos have the best clothing styles you've ever seen and they are very popular and loved by other people. Everybody would like to be a Lorenzo.
Omg I love Lorenzo, like everybody else.
by King2000 January 3, 2017
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A really nice, handsome, fit guy with a massive cock.
Girl on omegle: Are you Lorenzo?
Lorenzo: Yes
Girl on omegle: You're a fucking cracker
by florain February 7, 2022
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An italian motherfucker who drinks a shit ton of wine and talks with his hands all night and cannot cook pasta.
Oh no the wine is gone you pulled a lorenzo
by VacuumCleanersSuck555 December 7, 2021
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When you casually stay in a suite at the Mandarin Oriental in a large and prominent city.
Bob: Where should we stay in London?
Mike: Let’s just pull a Lorenzo.
by cat_in_hat June 14, 2022
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Lorenzo is a drug addict. He loves weed. He is better known as the ‘Maniac’ in some parts of Italy. You have to hide your wife or girlfriend from Lorenzo, they are not safe. He is one of the funniest guys you will meet and will always have a good time.
There’s Lorenzo, talking to my wife 🤦🏻
by Batman111999 November 23, 2021
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