"Hoss The Boss" is the name of a celebratory pizza invented (fittingly) by the Director of Innovation of a leading AI company. The luxurious pizza uses A5 Wagyu beef from Japan covered in gold leafs, black truffles from Italy, organic Shiitake mushrooms, along with the finest organic ingredients available (e.g.: organic Italian type "00" flour). The purpose of the pizza was to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of the AI team lead on mission critical projects for the company.
Man, the team and I went all out on this project, we really rocked it! Would be awesome if we got a "Hoss The Boss" as a reward!
by erlich_B May 24, 2023
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A god amoungst men. His eyepatch gives me a orgasmic reaction. His chin makes me lick my lips estatically. He is, Hoss DelGato
by Tamale Jesus December 14, 2016
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An absolute chad that excels in fighting with his fists, has a Stand, huge muscles, and really loves a good McChicken.
"Oh hey, look! It's Big Hoss! What an amazing guy..."
by Minecraft Hierophant Green October 30, 2020
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noun: The highest form of Hossery that one can obtain. Platinum Hosses can't get wet, can't be hit by cars, and can walk on water.
"C'mon Eric, You could be the first Platinum Hoss ever."

"Eric Reinke became the first ever Platinum Hoss when he swam across the Mississippi River."
by Matt Ruben January 4, 2005
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An all around cool guy. Someone who does the coolest of things, even when they're not cool yet.
That Boss Hoss is so cool he doesn't just listen to Swap.AVI, he's in the band Swap.AVI!
by M Tiura April 2, 2008
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An individual who lacks total hossness. Most anti-hosses are from Ohio and are commonly toasted to as being the anti-hoss. Examples include Kanye West and "E" from Entourage.
Sean: Man, that there Hugh kid cannot even take down two shots of tequila without throwing up.
Jeep: Yeah, Hugh is certainly an anti-hoss.
by Seanstreck September 15, 2009
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The University of Hoss or "Hoss U" is a made up collage, and is used to refer to people who are not going to collage. It most commonly refers to bigger muscular boys who are dumb or not very bright. And implies they are going to Hoss U to presue a degree in "being a hoss"
Jack: "Charlie is such a Hoss he just plows through their defensive line!"

Dave: "I know! He is defiantly committing to Hoss University"
by hinsdale kid April 30, 2015
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