-Hey look, isn't it Gerard Way ?
-Nah, Gerard is much more of a sass queen
by IWantToBeSassy December 6, 2015
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Owns the most beautiful voice ever to speak, the most beautiful eyes ever to see and the most beautiful face ever to please the world. Sings and writes lyrics for the band My Chemical Romance, founded soon after 9/11.
Others in the band |brother| Michael Way, Bob Bryar, Frank Iero and Ray Toro. The Black Parade (one of their albums) was designed by Gerard himself (cartooning and things like that).
MCR are not emo or punk they are actually Post Hardcore. They really do hate it when people go on saying s*h*i*t like "MCR are an *emo* band, why would you like an *emo* band, blah blah blah" becoz thats just dissing thankyou very much.
He lives in a New York apartment with his long term girlfriend Olivia, which is very nice.
He does not ask for any random fan of his to go on about how much this fan wants to f*u*c*k him becoz hes not an asshole enuff to do that and i hope you know that it pisses celebs off.
I know hes hot but hes NOT a dummy with no feelings, hes the most amazingly talented guy ever to live. Thankyou very much.
gerard way shall live a long life, coz if he doesnt i'll live a short one.
by person hu luvs mcr January 5, 2007
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the front man of Newark, New Jersey based band My Chemical Romance. He has a huge amount of teenie fans, usually based around the ages of 12-14. I am just astonished by his great impact on my life. People should just learn that he has better things to do than read that they want to fuck him. Watch LOTMS, and he will simply tell you that MCR has no groupies, and nor do they want any.... Overall, Gerard Way is an amazing artist/musician, and he has a comic book series called “The Umbrella Academy” coming out in May.
1. Teenie: lYk.. oMg gERALd iS sOoOoOo EFfIn HawWWTttt!! i lYK tOtAlLy WAnna HaVe HiS BaByZzzZzzzZZZZzzz!!!!!!!
Me: Shut up, loser. You need to realize how much Gerard Way really means to some people.

2. Gerard Way is amazing. He saved my life as well as other people's. MCR rocks and so does he!
by bladeyoustain April 4, 2007
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Gerard way was born on April 9th 1977 in Newark New Jersey. When he was 8 years old, he realized every one would die and they would die alone. From then on, he became obsessed with death. His lyric decrobe most of his feelings about things. He is afriad of needles. He had a girlfriend and he is not gay. Gerard Way is over all AMAZING. <3333
Gerard Way loves all his fans and wished he could meet all of them but that would take far too long
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The lead singer of My Chemical Romance. my chemical romace
Brother of Mikey Way. Very talented, very amazing, very special. A recovering alcholic and drug user.
by battybaby September 3, 2006
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sex god, used when discribing someone hott, pretty, sexy,
Rina: He's my Gerard Way, who's yours?
by rina March 1, 2005
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Black-clad lead singer of My Chemical Romance. Also, the divinely appointed savior of the broken, the beaten, and the damned. (See "the black parade".) Has God-given skills in the cunning arts of singing, yelping, scaring children, and attracting hoards of members of the same and opposite sexes. May or may not be the rocking Son of Christ himself sent here to redeem teenagers and wayward hardcore children.
Gerard Way will rescue you from the depths of misery, then suck your blood.
by W2TBP November 10, 2006
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