Loudly and publicly criticizing your boss or employer until your employment becomes untenable and you find yourself promoted to consultant.
"If you keep slamming your boss, your coworkers, and your workplace in your social media, they're going to fire you. It's just Felicia's Razor
by JaycenG June 17, 2022
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Feliciaed- when you check your wifes phone and find a picture of her sucking a dudes dick thats not yours
My dude checked his girls phone after a basesball game and found out he got feliciaed!
by Mud33 December 10, 2017
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Fictitious name for Geri Guillen Ross’ improv group, filed with the state of Florida on 5/6/2022.
Felicia Hardy has a fuckton of cats!
by Felicia Hardy May 6, 2022
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Merging the already hasty and dismissive way of saying bye - "Kthxbai" with the other dismissive phrase "Bye Felicia" (used when one dislikes the person in question who is thus referred to as "Felicia", and everyone is glad to see this person leave, referencing a scene out of the movie "Friday"). The combined phrase of "Kthxbai Felicia" then becomes extra and extremely dismissive - useful when neither original phrase is enough on their own to convey how much dislike you have regarding the person in question and how much you want them gone asap.
Disliked Person - insert any number of inflammatory comment(s), or an extremely dumb question, or other annoying commentary directed towards you
You - Offer them your full sass and any burns countering and in response to the prior commentary, followed by "Kthxbai Felicia"
Disliked Person is then expected to storm off, quickly removing themselves from the room (and everyone present may then applaud their swift exit).

Toxic co-worker is talking trash about you to other co-workers in the breakroom. You happen to walk in and overhear it and you fire off a sassy burn response, followed by "Kthxbai Felicia"... the toxic co-worker which no one actually likes then storms off and everyone applauds their exit.
by lolwutzup August 10, 2019
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felicia is a feminine name.
do not let her doe eyes fool you, she will manipulate you till the end of time. she will act sweet and lure you in, just like a siren. she loves male attention and does everything for the male gaze. she has severe father issues but she won't talk about it with anyone, instead she acts like a dumb fucking bitch with no self respect and no respect for others. she'll always wear a bra size too big too make sure that her boobs might potentially fall out in the male teachers face. she's a disgusting whore who'll destroy your life and spread rumours about you.
1: hey! that's felicia. she looks so innocent i want to be her friend!
2: don't. you know what she did to julia, she destroyed her.
1: alright, i'm sorry.
by lilypadfrog August 5, 2023
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