another word for dirty money. dookie bread is money that one gets from doing an illegal act. such as selling drugs, robbing, or prostituting, etc.
I be stacking loafs of dookie bread from all this bud im selling.
by drewbe69 August 11, 2010
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When you wipe your booty after pooping and there is nothing on the toilet paper.
I just took a spooky dookie. The poop disappeared but left its stink.
by MissLibbyAnn February 9, 2017
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A coup de grace where one drags their finger through their ass and wipes it under a rivals nose. Though, not used very often after adolescence, a dookie finger carries more weight than a slap in the face with a white glove.
Jacob wanted to give her a dirty sanchez before she dumped him but she wouldn't let him tap that ass, so he had to settle for a dookie finger.
by keifermail August 14, 2009
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To drop a stinky deuce while listening to Green Day's 1994 major label debut, Dookie. After finishing their dookie time, one should listen to Green Day's 1992 album, Kerplunk, as that is the sound that dookies make when they hit the toilet water.
Bro: "Yo dude, I gotta drop a brown trout, but I don't want to stop listening to Green Day."
Dude: "Bro, me too, let's just do both at the same time."
Bro: "Holy shit, dude, it's dookie time!"
(Bro and Dude proceed to drop trou at side-by-side toilets and listen to "Basket Case").

John: "Ow... ow... oh fuck, this burns... ah... AHHHHHH!"
(poop comes out, hits the water)
John: Damn, that smells... ooh, Longview, I love this song!"
by Merriam Chubster February 27, 2013
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The jokeful saying of the old song Duke of Earl that was made in the
1950's I think

Dook Dook Dook Dookie Twirl, dook dook dookie twirl, dook dook dookie twirl dook dook, oh I was the dookie twirl....................
by ren walkero September 15, 2008
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A dookie that is larger than the rest. The king of dookies. The dookie that runs the dookie platoon.
"I had to wipe the blood off my ass after launching a major dookie"
"After enduring a weekend of bathroom anxiety, I came home and took a major dookie."
by Mariah R. April 11, 2006
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