Telling people you own a successful business to try and get women into bed.
See that guy over there creeping on them girls, he just dropped A Newman brag....the dirty bastard
by Greg Nash June 15, 2017
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The well-concealed cockiness of someone like a public prosecutor when grand jury indictments come back for a former president.
"Did you see Alvin Bragging on the TV when that orange clown came in and got fingerprinted? Man he looked whipped when he croaked out 'not guilty' ... his collar was all stained and shit, his wife was no where to be seen. He was ass-kicked for sure"

"Don't go all smug on me thinking you caught me cheating with a porn-star -- there's no Alvin Bragging going on here today."
by Kat'O9 April 7, 2023
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Someone who feels the need to brag about their accomplishments by using obscure ways to talk about it.

Someone who will talk about other people's failures and use their mediocre successes to talk about themselves.
Jose: I'm looking forward to you finally attempting a half ironman. I did one because I'm an amazing athlete, but you can to if you train hard

Jason: we failed together remember?

Jose: but I found an easier course, passed now I'm an ironman, I'm really amazing and you will be one day too if you work hard.

Jason: but you did a half not a full. Stop using subliminal bragging to promote yourself.

Jose: iron sharpens iron, you will understand one day if you ever finish one
by Jdavis1178 April 3, 2016
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The art of posting photos or comments to social media, often using reverse psychology, in hopes of receiving validation for your false modesty.
Girl: Hey, check out Eric posting pics of his abs again. Oh, look he commented too..."FML, I'm too fat".
Other girl: What a douche brag!
by G_Hook October 17, 2017
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When someone high in status brags about having a surprisingly mundane, lowly, stigmatized, crass, or boring hobby. Hobby examples include gardening, cooking, video games, arts and crafts, or some other activity typically associated with common people.
There goes that famous movie star again Mundane Hobby Bragging about his weekend spent gardening
by Human Peacocking May 19, 2023
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To complain about something that you paid or will pay for. A service for example (at a bar, restaurant, hairdresser, Flight etc)

After complaint you got a form of compensation (free drinks, discount etc.) and then you brag about to other people how successful you where. then you Nag 'n brag
«Dude i got this drink for free, because I spotted some lipstick on my glass, I got skillz» «You are totally Nag 'n bragin»
by Mr.Grincat November 17, 2017
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When a person brags indirectly by citing another person's compliment toward them.
I'm not bragging about my big dick! I was saying that my boyfriend kept saying, "Wow , your dick is so big!" So I guess that, at worst, I'm Bragging by Proxy.
by Waterghost June 27, 2017
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