Bianca is a Youtuber who have awesome videos. She's always their for her fans and she's so loving super awkward (in an good way & love eating) but we still love her and she's super cool a total role model. She love to sing if you heard her she have the voice of an angle she is in a true inspiration for every girl or guys out their. She's a figure skater she's has a really cool personality she never give up on her dreams and her quote is and always be: '' IF YOU REALLY WANT SOMETHING WORK FOR IT BECAUSE ANTHING CAN HAPPEN IF YOU TRULY BELIEVE IT ''. You totaly should subscribe to her channel because she's a true inspiration for every one and every single one. She also plays guitar and sing witch is so cool when you hear her do both is amazing I hope she will see that one day because she is amazing and I a true fan and I love her so much. she always say don't forget were you belong and never forget that people always love you. Keep on believing

Go subscribe to her because she makes awesome videos. <3
inspiration youtuber believe dreams Bianca Sas
by youtubelover99 February 10, 2014
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Not the middle part not a side part. It’s in between. The hip and cool kids of the genz generation wear it to feel a middle ground.
by Girlslay October 30, 2020
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See Bianca by AGnumbnuts..

When everybody in work wants a bit of Bianca, wants to do the dirty to her but like mentioned she has plenty to go around..but not for any newbies!
David to Craig 'James has taken Bianca around back'

C 'Tell him hes dead if he hurts her'

D 'You really have Bianca envy '
by AGnumbnuts November 17, 2011
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fictional character from Rick Riordan's book series Percy Jackson and the Olympians; sister of Nico diAngelo
Bianca diAngelo was my favourite character.
by Alithe-Cambre December 24, 2014
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a dirty bianca is when a man sticks a smoothie straw into his girls pussy while she’s on her period to suck out her juices and blood clots like boba
“Yo man I just gave my girl a dirty bianca last night and got a big ass blood clot in my mouth. I slurped her dry!”
by fentytrash January 25, 2023
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The best character alive and we love and stan her.

Did n o t deserve to die >>:(
Everyone loves her.
Hazel should be jealous of her because she's great
Hazel: Nico found me while looking for Bianca DiAngelo
Person: ...oh
by A.Real.Show.Stopper June 14, 2020
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The EST of WWE, famous for being better than everybody else. Queen of wrestling despite no experience outside of the WWE.
Bianca Belair is the EST
by ispeakreaI April 10, 2022
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