Noun. A person with a bowl haircut that looks rather similar to the Beetles haircut, or just has big,poofy, spherical hair.
Look at that Beetle Headed Fuck. Don't you just want to push him to the ground and dangle a loogy right above his face?
by MC Marrs July 15, 2010
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Refers to when the eyes become red and bloodshot after the consumption of cannabis. see also red eye.
-"Dude, you look pretty chonged out"
-"Woah seriously?"
by Rum0uRzZz July 15, 2009
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a beetle who defends the fillopian tubes from vaginal trolls, blacks and spike lee.
Chill, that bitches fallopian beetle guards got wizard prismatics spray.
by Mori-Moto Godzilla February 20, 2008
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A style of low-rent abortion performed world-wide. A large dung beetle or similar insect is released into a woman's vagina to locate and eat the fetus. Often results in disease and/or internal damage.
Mozambique has many back-alley abortionists skilled in dung beetle abortion.

Carla had a dung beetle abortion done and the little motherfucker bit off her clit.
by jkey November 12, 2007
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When a fat woman has big fat flaps and fat upper legs. The vagina pertrudes outwards and down to a point to create a Mk1 Volkswagen Beetle Bonnet effect (the slit being the line down the middle of the bonnet).
'mate, that fat slosher must have a proper Volkswagen Beetle Bonnet under those hotpants'
by Sal86xxx September 25, 2008
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1. most commonly a Bush Beetle that has escaped from its natural bush habitat and relocated itself in the scalp area of a sexual partner after said partner has tried on a fur turban; 2. any Bush Beetle that has escaped its natural bush habitat after sexual activity involving access of an area containing indigenous Bush Beetles.
I totally found a few Liberated Bush Beetles in my hair after that fur turban from Sandy last night.
by BennyKennedy March 29, 2009
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