A very stunning woman. Her body is TO DIE FOR. Everyone loves her and she is amazing in bed. She is most known for her stunning eyes and beautiful lips. She will always put others before herself.
Guy 1: WOW! Her body is to die for!
Guy 2: Of course. That’s Audrey.
by BabyGirl070 November 4, 2017
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Audrey is a very strong and very pretty person. She very much has an impact of warmth and love on her family. Audrey considers friends to be her long lost family. But you must know she does have a tendency to harm. Synonyms for Audrey: Brave, strong, humerus, kind, and non other than all a great friend. If you know a Audrey tell her everyday that your lucky to know her.
“ That girl just talked on the phone with her friends for one hour and fifty minutes. She must be a Audrey.”
by @kayqaz99 December 12, 2017
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An Ambiverted girl who always putting others needs before her own even when shes down herself. Shes a tomboy a super rad teenager that is friends with all boys and girls, and they always want to hangout with her. Shes known as super chill and go with the flow type of person. She never gets into beef with others and ignores all that drama shit. She doesnt hate people unless they do something shitty to her, doesnt matter of what they do other than that she will still accept them. Shes your average rule breaker of all sorts of things, a risky girl that will make you chasing after her. Also popular with the ladies.
Bro that guy has a super cool sense of style.
Shes a girl, her name is Audrey shes so rad.
by blind blanket June 21, 2018
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Awesome girl who is very ahtletic and is great at curling
For you Audrey.
by Qui suis-je2018 April 23, 2018
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Audrey is the most back stabbing kind of friend. She is often a blond and blue eyes. He is rich and will never care abt you. If you are friends weight a Audrey get out as soon as you can.
by Abraham lincion April 17, 2020
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Audrey's are disgusting hoes. They are so annoying, sometimes to want to punch them in the face. They think they got all that, but really they are just losers who are bitches. They are never there for you. If you have an Audrey as a friend, you might as well kill them.
Random girl: Omg who's that ugly 30 year old
Random guy: omg that's audrey, she's like 11
by Imahoenamedruby101 September 20, 2020
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She’s a very not nice person and she bully’s a lot she steals boyfriends
Girl: ohh hey wassup

Audrey: your boyfriend is a good kisser
by Djenwodjw December 19, 2018
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